Why is My Padlock still Red ?
Has your ssl been activated but you still don’t see the green padlock ?
If the answer is yes, then the chances are that your web pages need to be edited of any insecure code.
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Search Engines Don’t Find My Site!
Do you have the green padlock but still cannot see your web site in the search?
Did you know that Since 2017 Search engines penalize you if your website is not up to standard?
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My Web Page Loading is So Slow!
Is Google saying your web site is too slow ?
Having too many requests is a good thing right?
Fact: Your pages should load within 2 secs.
Fact : Any longer and your visitor will go elsewhere.
Need someone to do the job for you ?
Why is my bounce rate so high ?
I am spending fortunes on pay per click,
Why am i losing traffic?
Bounce rate is the % of users who land on your website and leave without going to a second page.
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